Comunicado del Foro de la Profesión Médica en el que se exige que se cumplan los plazos establecidos para el reconocimiento del título de especialista a los residentes de ultimo año.

La Federación de Asociaciones Científico MédicaEspañolas (FACME) ha publicado un comunicado para exigir al Ministerio de Sanidad: la revisión del planteamiento de reincorporación al trabajo de aquellos profesionales tras llevar siete días de evolución, con tres sin fiebre y sin realizar de manifestar síntomas sin haberse hecho el test, y sentencian que hasta que no […]
Impact of COVID-19 on Nuclear Medicine: an international survey

Acceso a la encuesta Dear Collegue, welcome to the first survey worldwide about the impact of COVID-19 in Nuclear Medicine! Please answer and share with all professionals who work in our field (physicians, residents, technicians, nurses and others). COVID-19 is challenging the availability of hospital resources. Several departments are shifting their work to diagnosis and […]
LIVE & FREE: Italian experts share COVID-19 experience. April 8 on ESR Connect.

April 8, 2020 | 17:00 CET Free of charge Other illnesses do not stop – how do we maintain our imaging services? ESR Connect Special ReportRadiology fighting COVID-19 This special report features two renowned chest radiologists from France and Spain, who will share their unique country perspectives and focus on practical imaging equipment issues and […]